Here are some of the most frequently asked check fraud questions from our clients. If you have been accused of passing a bad check, please contact our experienced New Jersey check fraud lawyers today to schedule a free consultation and defend your rights.
Will a Prosecutor Pursue Criminal Charges?
As an experienced New Jersey check fraud lawyer, I receive a large call volume from people with questions regarding passing bad checks. I saw this concept of somebody being charged with passing a bad check and then being charged with a theft a lot as a prosecutor as well. I tell clients that very often, a case would start in the municipal court and depending on the severity, it may go up to the Superior Court for the county prosecutor to review. Depending on the facts of the case and the amount of the check in question, the case would more than likely be sent back down to the municipal court.
Are Most Cases of Check Fraud Just Misunderstandings?
In my experience as a dedicated New Jersey check fraud lawyer, I find that many cases of check fraud do not have much merit. Oftentimes, the person who is bringing the charges is trying to use the court as a collection agency, which I have seen to be somewhat effective but perhaps misguided. It appears that a great number of these cases are not crimes at all.
In some cases, people would give a check to an individual for some product or service and due to either a misunderstanding or some other miscommunication, the check is not tendered on time, which leads to the check being returned. Other times, there is a simple misunderstanding between the person who wrote the check and the person who tried to cash it. As an experienced New Jersey check fraud lawyer, I’m starting to see an uptick in the amount of these types of cases, which I am happy to defend.
Is Self-Representation a Viable Option?
Depending of course on the level of understanding of the law, it could be okay, depending on the facts of the case. As an experienced New Jersey Check Fraud Lawyer, I would never recommend anybody representing themselves in any court if they’re not comfortable doing it, especially on a criminal charge. It’s certainly common that people go to court on their own traffic cases.
If you’ve been accused of passing a bad check or another type of bank fraud in New Jersey, contact experienced New Jersey check fraud lawyer Carl Spector for a free confidential consultation. With over 30 years of experience handling these types of white-collar crimes, he has the skills needed to ensure you receive the best possible outcome. Call today and let his experience work for you.
This content was originally published here.
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